Recruitment Training for Police Departments

recruitment training
for police departments

Recruiting Effectively Online: Training for Law Enforcement Agencies and Police Departments

Find A Force Digital Marketing Training Services:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Strategies
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
  • Analytics and Web Statistics
  • Web Design & Development
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Live & Virtual Training Available
  • Training for PIOs and recruiters

Find A Force provides training for online recruiting strategies.  We train PIOs, recruiters, and law enforcement staff tasked to recruiting, web and social media duties. Our training covers website, digital & paid marketing, SEO, and social media strategies that provide a multi-facet approach to enhance existing recruiting efforts.

The goals of our training are to have your department staff skillfully trained in online recruiting strategies that seek out, attract, evaluate, inform, and convert more qualified candidates.

Each training is customized, tailored to meet the specific needs for your department or agency.  The training deliverables provide a plan of action, a method of execution, the knowhow to execute, and the proper tools to measure results.

Creating A Custom Training for Your Department or Agency

Find A Force completes a full evaluation of your current brand, website, search engine rankings, social media channels, digital advertising, and reporting capabilities. We determine the strengths and weaknesses of each initiative and structure a plan to improve a wide range of pieces we consider as key success factors in effective recruiting.

Training Focus Areas

Brand & Messaging Evaluation:

  • Message Clarity
  • Branded Recruiting Tools Such as Recruitment Videos / Video Testimonials
  • Clear Diversity & Inclusion Expectations
  • Vision of Next Generation Policing
  • Community & Location Leverage
  • Awards & Accolade Highlights
  • Brand Consistency Across all Platforms

Website Evaluations

  • Clear Path to Job Opportunities & Application Process
  • Optimized Content Around Recruiting & Career Opportunities
  • Intuitive Navigation
  • User Experience
  • Well Structured Content

Social Media Evaluations

  • What Social Media Channels Are Being Utilized?
  • Are They Easy to Find?
  • Are Your Social Media Pages Properly Branded?
  • Are you Leveraging the Unique Benefits of Each Platform?
  • Are Your Posts Enticing Engagement?
  • Is Your Department Responding Effectively?
  • Are You Reaching Your Target Audiences?

Digital Marketing

  • Are You Supplementing Your Organic Search Engine Results with Paid Advertising?
  • Do you Utilize Email Marketing to Communicate with Potential Candidates?
  • Do You Know the Search Keywords Users Type to Find Open Law Enforcement Positions?
  • Do You Repurpose Any Content Across Multiple Channels?
  • Are You Measuring Traffic to Your Website and Social Media Channels?
  • Are Your Analytics Setup to Measure the Success of Your Recruiting Efforts?Fi

Learn More About Find A Force Police Recruiting and Training Services

Learn More About Find A Force Police Recruiting and Training Services