immediate impact law enforcement recruiting package
If your department or agency is like many others across the country, your staffing crisis is dire. Find A Force offers a highly effective digital marketing and recruiting campaign that can have your open positions advertised to tens of thousands of potential candidates within days. Our Immediate Impact Recruiting Package will drive between 100-500 potential candidates a month to your open law enforcement positions.
Find A Force’s Immediate Impact Recruiting Package offers a low upfront investment, and immediate results. By leveraging a strategic digital marketing campaign coupled with effective landing pages, we can drive up to 500 potential applicants to your career opportunities the first month.
Our Immediate Impact Recruiting Package locates users who have recently searched valuable key phrases such as “police jobs”, “law enforcement careers”, “police jobs near me”, and display advertisements and job postings for your department. By actively seeking out applicants pursuing law enforcement careers, your department can attract, engage, and employ more new recruits and open lateral positions than competing departments.
By having your job opportunities presented directly to actively looking candidates, you increase your application count and new hires immediately.
Find A Force provides all of the upfront work, account setup, and advertising copy. Your department simply needs to provide us with the links to your open positions, important web pages, and contact information. Find out how Find A Force can start finding and sending you potential recruits within one week.